Saturday, September 27, 2008

Montreal, Canada

I'm in Canada - did I mention that? But, in Montreal, and I'm pretty sure the entire province of Quebec, think they're a European country. I'll give you a starts with an 'F' and ends with 'rance'. For-The-Love. Not one sign for anything is in English. This is a first for me and I've been to a lot of places and seen a lot of signs. Unfortunately there is also a bit of 'tude going on here. Let me see if I can sum it up: irritable; I can't be bothered; just try and ask me for help; you obviously don't speak French; where the hell do you think you are, Canada?

Did I mention I'm in CANADA?

Ok, besides that, Montreal is a super cute city :) It was my cousin's birthday and I got spoiled. We stayed on the 32nd floor of the Sheraton downtown, overlooking the entire city. Hello - the bathroom had a hairdryer and room for dance lessons. (I'm so easily impressed these days - I mean if I don't have to share a bathroom with 10 others, I'm stoked) Anyway, we went to the BEST steakhouse for dinner...translated, it's called The Horse's Tail. I haven't had a steak since I left, so I totally indulged. That with a bottle of wine and a ridiculously decadent dessert and I was ready to be rolled out of the restaurant. But I pulled it together and we hit the happenin' part of town. My cousin and I showed our faces at a few hip spots before settling in to shake our groove thang at a multi level club. Good times with the family.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Ottawa, Canada

So did anyone catch the NHL pre-season Ottawa Senators vs. the Philadelphia Flyers game Wednesday night? Of course you did. So you must have seen me on TV - club level, center ice, 4 rows up from the penalty box...yeah, that was the top of my head! I had a little understanding of the game from last year, but watching it live was so fun! Hockey players are tough dudes. There were 3 pretty good fights...gloves off...helmets off...totally going for it. I think that's why people enjoy hockey, that and the body slamming into the boards, b/c trying to follow the puck, well that's just pointless.

My aunt and I are visiting my cousins for a long weekend in Ottawa. We're headed to Montreal for a few days. Better brush up on my French. I was totally surprised when driving over here from's absolutely beautiful. It reminds me of New England, lots of trees/forests..and the leaves are changing color, it's just stunning. Although it's the capital, it's a small town with a small town feel. Downtown is super cute, with tons of restaurants and shops, beautiful churches with turquoise domes, and their Parliament buildings could have been picked right out from London. Can you tell...I'm impressed. And I'm in Canada.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Toronto, Canada

Toronto is such a cool city - I never really had a chance to check it out. Every time I've been here, it's to spend a quick weekend with my family and all I see is the airport and the inside of my aunt's apartment. It's quite diverse and cosmopolitan, which makes for an easy re-entry back into the western world.

I rented a car when I got here and it's been nice having the freedom to roll wherever I want. Although I've been a little scared of driving. I really have a hard time with what side of the road other cars are coming from, what side I should be on, can I turn left on know, the usual concerns. But I'm managing :)

The highlight for me was seeing my sister! My parents and sister came to Toronto for the weekend to celebrate my birthday. We had family and friends over for dinner and they wanted a run down of what I've been doing for the last 8 months. No small task let me tell you. So I started off in New Zealand and worked my way through Turkey. I think I spoke for an hour (or so it felt). It was humbling, yet again, to reminisce on the things I've done, places I've been and people I've met. I'll never stop feeling how lucky I am.

Overall I've been aunt and I laugh until we cry pretty much everyday - we don't even have to say anything! We're headed to Ottowa tomorrow to visit my cousin and his fam and then I'm off to Vancouver for 2-3 weeks. My oldest friend, I've known him for 20 years (!) will be in Van as well and I can't wait to catch up with him.

It's been months, but my US cell phone is back in working order! This is huge for me b/c I've had about 10 phone numbers over the last 7 months. I got a new sim card in almost every country which means that my number changed constantly. Yet another step closer to being back home.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Westward Bound

Even though I won't be back in California for several weeks, I still feel like I'm coming home. My extended family is in Canada and I'm really looking forward to be pampered and looked after for a bit :) Plus my sister and parents will be here to celebrate my b-day next weekend, and I can't wait to see them. I flew straight from Istanbul to JFK on Tuesday. I thought I would be more emotional about leaving Turkey, because I really did fall in love with the country, but when the customs officer in NY said 'welcome home', I almost cried. I've found that my 'special traveler' status is gone...when you're traveling the world everyone wants to talk to you, find out where you're from and where you've been. But in America (and I'm assuming in Canada as well) I'm just another American traveler. No one wants to hear my story or talk to me about my adventures. But I know that all of you will be anxiously awaiting... :)

I can't believe that my travels are coming to an end. I have had the most amazing journey - I am grateful everyday for this experience. I still feel so lucky and humbled most days. And the best part is that I've finally found who I really am - and man, I am so cool :)

So, I'll be in Toronto for a few weeks. My Internet access is limited, so the blogging will be minimal. Plus all I'll be doing is eating and drinking more chai with my aunt. Not a bad way to live :)

Friday, September 5, 2008


Back in İstanbul after a RIDICULOUS bus journey. I started in Savur on Sunday a 10am and took a 1 hour minibus ride to Mardin. Of course I hadn't planned out my journey and I was just hoping that there would be a bus to Istanbul...and wouldn't you know it - there is. I was supposed to leave at 1pm but the bus was late and we left at 2pm. After stopping, oh I don't know, somewhere in the range of 7 times in an hour, we filled the bus and we're off. I already understood that the trip would be 18-21 hours and I'm ok with this b/c I really have nothing but time. So we start late, no problem; we stop frequently, also no problem; but then one of our drivers (we have 2 and 3 flight attendants) gets into a fight with one of the passengers - ok, small problem. Actually I have no idea what happened, but it was 7am and we are close to Istanbul and all hell breaks out at this bus stop.The next thing İ see is the passenger running after the driver with an orange construction cone...İ should have taped it b/c İ would have won the $10K prize from America's Funniest Home Video. Holy shit, I'm still laughing.

But what's not funny is that this spectacle adds at least an hour onto my journey. I get into the
Istanbul bus station or rather JFK airport around 12pm. The bus station is crazy - there are least 150 platforms with buses coming and going from every direction. Did İ mention pedestrians do not have the right of way here? Yeah, good to know.

3 more buses and 2 hours later, I am back in Istinye with Sercan and Jim. Tıme passes easily with these two and we are constantly laughing, talking, sharing... they have become my dear frıends, and the next thing you know another week ın Istanbul has passed. I am headed to Edirne tomorrow for a few days, and, get ready for this...I'm crossing the pond on Tuesday and headed to Toronto for a month ın Canada. When I bought my ticket, I thought I would have been a little more emotional about ıt, but surprisingly, I wasn't. What really choked me was the price of the ticket.

I'm on my way...