So, I've spent 2 nights in this super cute town called Picton - I know it's a little premature, but of all the places in NZ I've vistited so far, i could totally live here :)
So yesterday I had a full day wine tasting tour. In the morning it was just 3 of us and then a bigger group joined us in the afternoon. Our bus driver/tour guide was George and I really think our paths were meant to cross. He's one of those people you meet and you feel like you've known them forever. George is barrel chested guy, around 60 or so. Apparently he just grew a fantastic beard in like 3 weeks b/c everywhere we went people would put their hands to their own faces and say "georgie, what happened?" Poor guy. But let's get back to the facial hair - so not only does he have this beard that amost reaches his eyes, but also tufts of white hair coming out of his ears, and a uni-brow that comes partly down the nose and has one or two really long squiggly ones. But it all added to his character...He had borderline inappropriate humor, which you know me, I just latched on to. So we had a good day of bantering back and forth. We tasted at about 6-7 wineries w/ a lunch in the middle. It was a great day :)
I was all about the Sauvignon Blanc and Pinot Noir, but they do a fair amount of Reisling and Chardonnay. Like a trooper, I sampled everything.
So today, I'm driving from picton to Nelson along the Queen Charlotte Track - which is actually a 3-5 day backpacking trail. And tomorrow I'mhoping to get on a kayak/walk adventure in Able Tasman Park.
I dont know why this just popped into my head, but I've been meaning to tell you guys about it. So the first time I went to the bathroom at the Airport in NZ, I'm done w/ my business and I'm looking high and low for the flush and I'm thinking why is this so hard to find! Its not on the side or on top or on the floor. Damn. But I look up and on the wall behind the toilet is a panel that of course says 'push' and sure enough everything goes down. Ok, something new to get used to - but easy enough. Well that's not the end of it. In residences and hotels, the flush is on the top of the toilet and there are usually 2 buttons. Get this - a Half flush and a Full flush. GENIOUS! I haven't figured out which is which, b/c it doesn't look like there's more or less water, but what do i know, i just guess and cross my fingers all goes down :)
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