I just spent two days on a camel in the desert, what was I thinking?? For the love, everything hurts. But what an amazing experience, I've never been to the desert and it was absolutely incredible. So camels are interesting animals...when they sit down, it's like folding up a chair, the front legs go down first and get tucked under their body and then the back legs go down, much like how people sit on their heels. It was a little sketchy the first time Polo, my camel, went down for me to get off. You have to lean WAY back, since they go down front first, you're really pitched forward, but the back follows quickly.
There were only 3 of us on the safari, a very likable Irishman, Connor, our guide, Nan and me. We rode for 2 hours or so and then stopped for a long lunch break to wait out the heat of the day. The camels get to roam around freely, which is a little concerning when it's time to ride again. But Nan seems to know exactly where they are and brings them back in no time. After lunch we rode for 3-4 hours, so it seemed, my sit bones and the area around was on fire. I was practically holding myself up w/ my arms on the saddle to stop myself from rocking in the seat. We finally make it to the sand dunes about an hour before sunset and I can barely walk - but all is forgotten when I watch the sunset - what an incredible sight. The sand is rippled from the wind, and below us is a flat desert that stretches as far as you can see. The sun goes down behind a distant mountain range, it's the most perfect day. We sleep in a row under the stars, and watch the shooting star show.
The next day I'm dreading getting back on that camel, but Nan assures me that it wont hurt as much as the first day, and you know he was right. But by 4pm that day, Connor and I were anxiously awaiting the cold beer that was to arrive with our transport back to town. that totally ranked up there with one of the coolest things I've ever done.
1 comment:
Oh my god - how awesome! I hope you got pictures of Polo :) I wish I was there with you.
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