London is stupid expensive. If things were equal, pounds to dollars, then it would be manageable, but when you double the price of everything it gets ridiculous. For example...a prepackaged sandwich is £4 (that's $8 for the challenged), train and tube all day card is

Anyway, enough complaining!
I spent 4 days in London before Nairobi and I'll be here for a week, before Mom and I head to Portugal. London is a very hip, chic city. Everyone is well dressed, well groomed, well everything. Even the men take time to pimp themselves out. I think I've seen more hair product on men than women. The 'do' that's really popular is the grown out mohawk, it's actually very sexy when done right, but laughable b/c you know that the man sporting this ´do, spent way too much time on it. In most department stores, the men´s skin care products rival the women´s counter. I heard two men talking about moisturizer. I think the term is 'metro-sexual'. However, ridiculous it may seem to us, Californians, it´s refreshing to see some effort being put into appearance :) I, on the other hand, have nothing to say, since I wear the same thing 5 days in a row, until it stands up on it´s own, and then just one more day, bc I can´t be bothered to do laundry. HA! Ok, not that bad, but when you only have 5 shirts, options are limited.
I can't believe its been nearly six months since you were here! Have been following your travels, envious of every personal and worldly experience you've shared with us .... your blog fans. Really hope I get to meet up with you again in the not too distant future.
Farah, Farah, Farah, you crack me up. I look forward to what you write. I really hope things turn around for me and I can come meet up with on this wonderful adventure. Hope to see you soon,
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